The V-R11 is a Wonder Weapon. also known as The Human Gun. It has the unique ability to change zombies into people. The V-R11 appears in the Call of Duty: Black Ops Zombies map Call of the Dead. When a zombie is reverted it appears to change into a man wearing a black suit with sunglasses. The newly reverted human will run around the map until he is killed by zombies. Unfortunately, the V-R11 does not give you points.
The affected zombie will turn into a human again, panic, and attempt to run away. It could be used as a makeshift Monkey Bomb since nearby zombies will proceed to attack him if he is closest to the zombies, but will not pay much attention and will resume to attack the player after the human runs farther away.
Pack-a-Punched Variant[]
When the V-R11 is Pack-a-Punched, it becomes the "V-R11 Lazarus". Shooting the V-R11 at a player causes the player to be temporarily invincible for around 10 seconds. The "V-R11 Lazarus" adds an instant kill effect. The ammo increases from 3/9 to 6/18. When George A. Romero is in the water and the player shoots him with the "V-R11 Lazarus", he turns back and goes through the ground and won't come back for approximately one to two rounds.