Nazi Zombies Wiki

Captain Takeo Masaki (Japanese: 正木 武雄 Masaki Takeo) was a Japanese soldier who fought in the Imperial Japanese Army, and is a playable main character in Zombies. His player indicator color is yellow (shared with Richard Nixon and Danny Trejo), but is randomized in Moon and all subsequent maps. An alternate version of Takeo appears in Origins, and reappears in Call of Duty: Black Ops III, in The Giant, Der Eisendrache, Zetsubou No Shima (which also features the Original Timeline Takeo Masaki), Gorod Krovi, Revelations, and Blood of the Dead. This version also appears alongside the original version in the ending cutscene for Classified. Both versions are playable in Alpha Omega, and both versions appear in the cutscenes for Tag der Toten.


"Enter Takeo, for whom life has no meaning if not to perfect your discipline and to reveal true character and honor. Perhaps he ponders this and other philosophical questions as his Katana slices through the flesh and sinew of his enemy.

Our hero was born into wealth; his family dynasty dates back several centuries, and throughout that time they have been highly decorated Samurai and Bushi. Well Takeo is no exception to this celebrated bloodline. Even when the family first saw the young, life-filled 5 year old Takeo playing in the street with his Katana and slicing the tails off terrified kittens , it was obvious he was destined to bring honor to the Masaki name.

Reserved and reflective, the war is a perfect opportunity for Takeo to explore his blood lust and study the nature of those less honorable than himself, so if you fall victim to his swift action and might know that you have helped a man better than you reach enlightenment."

—Takeo's bio added with Map Pack 2 in Call of Duty: World at War


Kino der Toten[]

  • "You kill me? Nooo! I kill you" - upon killing a Zombie attacking the player
  • "Oooh, no honor for you!" - upon killing a Zombie
  • "Without ammo, I have no honor" - when out of ammo
  • "A Picture of the ugry American, Bleugh!" - Looking at Dempsey's Portrait
  • "He is SO drunk, I can smell his breath through this portrait!" - Looking at Nikolai's Portrait
  • "Ohhh, A picture of a Great Warrior!" - Looking at His own Portrait
  • "Honor to the doctor!" - Looking at Richtofen's portrait
  • "Maybe what was, is no more, But shall be again!" - Looking at the Blank Portrait
  • "A drink that requires a........Mature Palate" (Spoken - Parrette) - After drinking Quick Revive
  • "This...Water, is pure Delight!" - After drinking Juggernog
  • "Speed Cola speed up your life." - After drinking Speed Cola
  • "I welcome the chance to shoot faster" - After drinking Double Tap Root Beer
  • "Look Ma! Double speed!" - After drinking Double Tap Root Beer
  • "I have no ammo, I have no honor"-out of ammo
  • "My gun is low on honor!"- When low on ammo
  • "For the Emperor"- Knifing a zombie
  • "No more meat for you!" - Killing a Zombie
  • "A true warrior, needs no weapon!" - when out of ammo
  • "Vengeance waits for no ammunition!" -when out of ammo
  • "By the might of one thousand Wombats.........YOU DIE!" - Getting multiple kills with 1 Frag Grenade
  • "May the light of one thousand suns....Purify your souls" - After picking up a Nuke
  • "You are VANQUISHED!" - Killing Multiple Zombies Quickly
  • By the force of one thousand wombats, you die! - Killing multiple zombies with a grenade or explosive.



  • Takeo is the first one of the soldiers to start realizing Richtofen's plans, but continues to act like he is a loyal patron to him.
  • If Tank Dempsey sees Takeo stabbing a zombie to death, he remarks, "You could have just put a smoke into his eye...", referencing to the officer on the campaign mission 'Semper Fi'.
  • Edward Richtofen and Takeo Masaki are the only playable Axis soldiers (in single player), not only in World at War, but in all of the Call of Duty series as well.
  • On the iPhone version of Nazi Zombies, Takeo's point color is red.
  • It is revealed that Takeo may be allergic to prunes, which is a main ingredient in PhD Flopper. In one of his quotes, he states that his eyes water after he drinks PhD Flopper.
  • Takeo's memory may be coming back because while waiting at the Pack-A-Punch Machine he says "When I get the chance, I will kill Richtofen for what he's done." This may also be happening to the other characters as well.