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S-U Machine
Games Appeared In Call of Duty: Black Ops
Call of Duty: Black Ops Zombies
Call of Duty: Black Ops II
Call of Duty: Black Ops III
Maps Appeared In Ascension
Call of the Dead
Shadows of Evil
The Giant
Der Eisendrache
Zetsubou No Shima
Gorod Krovi
Price 2000 points

Stamin-Up is a Perk-a-Cola introduced in the zombie's map Ascension from Call of Duty: Black Ops and Call of Duty: Black Ops Zombies and later appeared in Call of Duty: Black Ops II and Call of Duty: Black Ops III. It increases the player's running speed and sprint duration. Stamin-Up cost is 2000 points.

It is similar to the Marathon perk in Multiplayer, however Stamin-Up trades unlimited sprint duration for increased sprint duration and sprint speed, thus making it also similar to the Lightweight perk, minus the negating of fall damage.



Stamina-min-up (x3) When you need some extra runnin', when you need some extra time, when you want to keep on gunnin', when you like a twist of lime. When you need to keep on moving, when you need to get away. When you need to keep on groovin', when you need that vitamin K. Babe, you know you want me! Let's run the extra mile! I'll open your eyes and I'll make you see! I'll make it worth your while! (Stamin-Up-Up-Up!) Sounds like it's Staaaaamin-Up time! Oh yeah, drink it baby. Drink it. 


  • The Perk is a play on of 7-Up, the popular soda.
  • According to Dempsey, it tastes very sour.
  • It seems that the Stamin-Up comes with different colors, but the player will always choose the yellow one.
  • Stamin-Up is similar to the perk "Marathon" on Multiplayer.

