- "Speed Cola speed up your life!"
- ―Takeo after drinking Speed Cola
Speed Cola is one of the Perk-a-Cola machines in the Call of Duty: World at War and Call of Duty: Black Ops Nazi Zombies game mode. It is the Nazi Zombies variant of the multiplayer perk Sleight of Hand. Purchasing it will grant the player extra speed when performing certain actions such as reloading and rebuilding barriers. The barrier rebuild speed isn't really increased, because the pause time between barriers being rebuilt is the same because it will not rebuild until the player has been granted their points, so there is actually no difference.
Speed Cola appears in every map except for Nacht Der Untoten, and Bus Depot Survival.
It can be purchased for 3,000 points, making it the second most expensive perk, behind Mule Kick, Widow's Wine, and tied with Vulture Aid.
The Speed Cola symbol is a white hand about to grasping a curbed box magazine, with a light green background.
Verruckt - Upstairs in the american side, in front of the barrier and the Sawed-Off Double Barrel Shotgun.
Shi No Numa - In one of the four huts, randomly spawns with Quick Revive / Mule Kick, Juggernog, and Double Tap Root Beer.
Der Riese - Outside of the Power room, near the fence.
Kino Der Toten - The foyer room, right beside the bar.
"Five" - Right hallway outside of the spawn room, beside the Elevator.
Ascension - Upstairs where the Sickle and the Lunar Lander is at.
Call of the Dead - Behind the Lighthouse, at the end of the Ice Slide.
Shangri-La - Near the Wooden Bridge and the Mud-Pit Maze or Near the MPL. Changes place with Juggernog
Moon - In Area 51, switches place with Juggernog each time the player returns.
TranZit - Inside the Diner.
Town - Inside the Bank.
Farm - Inside the House at the first floor.
Nuketown Zombies - Spawns randomly with other perks.
Die Rise - In one of the elevators. Changes places with Who's Who.
Mob of the Dead - In the back of the Warden's office.
Cell Block - Same location as in Mob of the Dead.
Buried - In the second floor at the courthouse.
Borough - Same location as in Buried.
Origins - Near Generator 3, at the giant robot's footprint. Can also be obtained from the Der Wunderfizz.
Shadows of Evil - Spawns randomly in one of the three perk locations with Juggernog and Double Tap Root Beer. The green bottle tells the location.
The Giant - Spawns randomly in one of the perk locations, besides the hidden perk.
Der Eisendrache - Inside the church, right by the stairs that leads to the bow location.
Zetsubou No Shima - Spawns randomly in one of the perk locations, changes place with Stamin-Up and Double Tap Root Beer.
Gorod Krovi - In the balcony of the Supply Depot Building.
Revelations - At the Verruckt area, coming from the corruption engine.
Your hands are slow, your movements sluggish, your lack of speed, just brings you anguish. Just take a sip, you will move faster. Just try it now! And speed is mastered! Press those lips against the only one that really moves you. Speed Cola speeds up your life!
- Although there are only three bottles appearing in the machine, an unlimited amount of bottles can be purchased.
The logo for Speed Cola
- On Verruckt and Der Riese the machine has a 10 cents label on it. In Shi No Numa, it says $3000, the actual price of the perk.