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A Power-Up is a feature in Zombies mode in every map and mode and they each have unique effects when obtained.
Power-Ups can either assist players or the enemies, depending on what Power-Up is used. In Call of Duty: Black Ops II, on Custom Games, players can toggle off Magic, which disables Perk-a-Colas, Pack-a-Punch, the Mystery Box, and Power-Ups.
Power-Ups can spawn by killing Zombies, Hellhounds, the Pentagon Thief, Space Monkeys, George A. Romero, Zombie Monkeys, Jumping Jacks, Brutus, Ghosts, Panzer Soldats, Crusader Zombies, Margwas, Parasites, Insanity Elementals, Apothicons, Thrashers, Valkyrie Drones, Mangler Zombies, and Furies. They can also spawn after using the Teleporters in Der Riese and The Giant, spawn in one of the random teleporter rooms in Kino der Toten, destroying the Rocket in Ascension, in between the Gravity Lifts in Moon, using the Quantum Entanglement Device, the Bank (Galvaknuckles Bank) in TranZit and Buried, completing the "Tower of Babble" Easter Egg, random prison cells in Mob of the Dead, uses of the Perk-a-Colas Tombstone Soda, Vulture-Aid and Widow's Wine, Dig Sites in Origins, Harvest Pods in Shadows of Evil and Zetsubou No Shima, walls in Shadows of Evil that can be opened in Curse mode, the Tram in Der Eisendrache, and the use of Gobblegums. Some may just spawn randomly in-game or for a certain purpose.
Power-Ups appear either as a levitating and spinning Gold or Silver object with a Green, Blue, Red, Purple, White, or Gold glow, and they give out a whistling sound. These would remain in its spot until the player obtains it, or the Power-Up slowly blinks or become transparent until they disappear completely. Some Power-Ups don't glow and/or levitate and give out a noise.
When obtained, the Demonic Announcer would say a phrase (phrase may depend on map or Demonic Announcer) based on the Power-Up's effects (with the exception of the Random Perk Bottle, Bonus Points on TranZit and Buried, any Power-Up in Dead Ops Arcade and Dead Ops Arcade II: Cyber's Avengening, Perk-a-Cola Power-Ups, utility Power-Ups (Tram Fuse and Seeds), the Cure and Monkey Bomb Power-Ups in Turned, the Flesh Power-Up in Grief, or Easter Egg Power-Ups) and the Power-Up's icon would appear (this only applies with time/ammo-based Power-Ups) ("Max Ammo" would appear for a moment for Max Ammo)
The glowing colours also play a factor in effects. Green affects all players in Survival, one player in Dead Ops (whoever picks it up), all the players of one team in Grief, and the Human team in Turned. Blue affects one player in Survival and affects one player of any team in Turned mode, corresponding to what team they are in (i.e. a Double Points would give double the health for a Zombie who picks it up). White and Gold affect one player in Dead Ops (whoever picks it up). Red affects all enemies. Purple affects one Zombie who obtains it in Turned.
Power-Ups either would have an instantaneous effect, duration effect, or a stock effect. Instantaneous effects happen usually the moment the Power-Up is activated. Duration effects have a time limit. Stock effects depend on how much ammo the Power-Up has or how much of something is in the player's inventory.
- Main article: Insta-KillEnables players to instantly kill zombies with any weapon. It is wise to get it as soon as possible, especially during the higher rounds, but reckless action is inadvisable. The icon is a skull.
In the World at War version of Nacht der Untoten, players are awarded 10 + 100 points for any kind of kills during the insta-kill duration, as opposed to the 130 for a knife kill, 60 for a torso kill and 50 for a limb kill they would normally get if Insta-Kill wasn't activated.
In all other Zombies maps, the player will get 10 + [50/60/100/130] for [limb kill/torso kill/headshot/knife kill] respectively. It is recommended to only use a knife during the time that Insta-Kill is active to save ammo unless zombies are in a large horde or on fire. Also, grenades become very useful as hitting a zombie with a grenade will kill it, and when the grenade explodes, it will kill all zombies in the blast radius.
Double Points
- Main article: Double PointsThis doubles the point values for damaging/killing all kinds of enemies and for boarding up windows and other point-wielding actions. The icon is an "X2."
In World at War, it does not apply to points earned from Nukes and Carpenter whereas in all other games, it does. The 25 points got from the bottom of the Perk-a-Cola machines on Der Riese, Origins, and Shadows of Evil aren't affected by double points.
In Ascension, if the rocket is destroyed, a Double Points will drop below in the room before the Pack-a-Punch room.
Max Ammo
- Main article: Max AmmoGives player's weapons full reserve ammo and refills grenades. It does not fill up the magazine currently in the weapon. Downed players don't receive the effect. The icon is a box with an ammunition belt coming out of the side.
It refills both primary and special grenades on the maps Der Riese, Five, Kino der Toten, TranZit, and Town. If a player has put down 2 Bouncing Betties, and thus has none in their inventory, it will not give the player new Betties. However, if only 1 Betty has been put down, the player will get a second Betty. In Black Ops it will refill the player's inventory regardless of the number they currently have.
Max Ammo is guaranteed to drop off of the last Hellhound of a Hellhound round, or the first Zombie of the next round and the Thief , regardless of whether or not he was defeated. Max Ammo also appears at the end of every Monkey Round on Ascension regardless of if they took perks or not.
- Main article: NukeKills all zombies on the map at the time of detonation and gives 400 points to every player in the game. If double points is active, it will give the players 800 points. Any unspawned zombies in the round will not be affected, and the round will continue after the bomb's use, unless the zombies on the map were the last in the round. Players are advised to get it as soon as possible, but to not be suicidal. The icon is in the image of the 'Fat Man' bomb dropped on Nagasaki, Japan. A deep voice also says "Kaboom".
It does not kill as many zombies in Black Ops compared to the World at War zombies. Only some of the zombies will die instantly upon the activation of the nuke, the rest will die in sequence shortly after from their heads exploding, it should be noted that these zombies cannot attack the player, and if left to their own devices, will approach the player as usual, but just stand in front of him shaking their heads until death.
In Dead Ops Arcade and Dead Ops Arcade II: Cyber's Avenging, players can use this power-up by pressing the aim button to call in a nuke, which blows up in a massive radius, killing any enemy. Players can store up to nine nukes in their inventory.
This is especially useful when the player gets backed into a corner and needs an escape/contingency weapon.
- Main article: CarpenterBoards up all windows and gives all players 200 points if any windows were boarded up. There is a delay between picking it up and receiving the points; the players get the points once all the windows have been boarded up. The icon is a hammer. Carpenter was introduced in Der Riese and has been present in all Zombie maps made afterwards, excluding Dead Ops Arcade and including the other World at War maps in Call of Duty: Black Ops.
Fire Sale
- Main article: Fire SaleLowers the price of the Mystery Box from 950 to 10 points for 20 seconds. It also makes the Mystery Box spawn at every possible point. This power-up was introduced in Call of Duty: Black Ops. A 60's style rock 'n' roll song is played while the power-up is active.
Death Machine
- Main article: Death Machine
In Dead Ops Arcade and Dead Ops Arcade II: Cyber's Avenging, this power-up lasts for 10-50 seconds and is very powerful, killing enemies as soon as the rounds come into contact. Being granted the Fate of Firepower grants the player a permanent Death Machine.
Bonfire Sale
- Main article: Bonfire SaleOnly appears in "Five". It links all of the teleporters to the Pack-A-Punch Machine, regardless of DEFCON level, and lowers the price of using it from 5000 points to 1000 points, also making all Perk-A-Colas 1000. The only way to get Bonfire Sale is to kill the Pentagon Thief before he steals anyone's weapons. The icon is a Pack-A-Punch Machine.
Speed Boost
- Main article: Speed BoostThis power-up only appears in Dead Ops Arcade and Dead Ops Arcade II: Cyber's Avenging, spawning randomly during the rounds. This power-up is used by pressing the shooting button and it will blast the players towards the direction they are facing and will kill any enemies (except for Bulls) in their path. This is stored in the player's inventory up to nine.
This is especially useful when players get backed into a corner and need an escape/alternative way of killing zombies if they don't want to use their nukes/don't have any nukes.
Being granted the Fate of Furious Feet would give three Speed Boosts every round if the player has less than three.
Ray Gun
- Main article: Ray GunThis power-up only appears in Dead Ops Arcade and Dead Ops Arcade II: Cyber's Avenging, and it grants the player a Ray Gun to use for 10-50 seconds. Unlike the Survival variant, the Rays can ricochet off of surfaces at incredible speeds. The rate of fire and damage is higher than any other weapon in the game.
This can also be used by a Chicken if the player is using a Helicopter.
- Main article: SPAS-12This power-up only appears in Dead Ops Arcade and it grants the player a full-automatic SPAS-12 to use for 10-50 seconds. This weapon has an incredible rate of fire as well as spread, with very high damage.
This is useful for killing entire hordes, especially against faster-running zombies during the higher rounds.
- Main article: RPG-7This power-up only appears in Dead Ops Arcade and it grants the player a full-automatic RPG-7 to use for 10-50 seconds. This weapon, unlike the M72 LAW, doesn't explode on impact against any enemies (except Bulls and the Cosmic Silverback) unless it hits a "solid" surface (mainly walls and other elements of the map). Instead, it flings enemies into the air, killing them instantly. This weapon has a very high rate of fire, however, it requires great accuracy to be used, as missiles can easily miss the targeted enemies.
China Lake
- Main article: China LakeThis power-up only appears in Dead Ops Arcade and it grants the player a full-automatic China Lake to use for 10-50 seconds. This weapon explodes on impact and can take out hordes within seconds. However, it has a rather slow rate of fire, making this weapon easily replaced by another.
This can be also used by a Chicken if the player is using a Tank.
M2 Flamethrower
- Main article: M2 FlamethrowerThis power-up only appears in Dead Ops Arcade and it grants the player an M2 Flamethrower to use for 10-50 seconds. This weapon has low damage, but enemies inflict damage at a fast rate and this weapon has a long range with great spread.
- Main article: ChickenThis power-up only appears in Dead Ops Arcade and Dead Ops Arcade II: Cyber's Avenging and it lasts for 60 seconds. It grants the player a companion that shoots the same weapon as them (except when the player is in a vehicle, where the chicken would shoot a different weapon). When the power-up expires, the chicken would shoot in a circle before disappearing.
The Fate of Friendship would grant the player a permanent, silver Chicken and all other chickens last for 90 seconds.
Monkey Bomb
- Main article: Monkey BombThis power-up appears in Dead Ops Arcade, Dead Ops Arcade II: Cyber's Avenging, and Turned mode.
In Dead Ops, it spawns a Monkey Bomb that has the same effect, with the exception that enemies must be closer to the power-up than the player. These effects don't attract the Cosmic Silverback.
In Turned mode. it's the first Monkey Bomb power-up obtained after killing a Zombie with a KAP-40.
Sentry Gun
- Main article: Sentry GunThis power-up only appears in Dead Ops Arcade and Dead Ops Arcade II: Cyber's Avenging. It spawns an automatic Sentry Gun, working similarly to the Survival variant, except that it spawns from the sky when obtained, and launches back up when it expires.
Teddy Bear
- Main article: Teddy BearThis power-up only appears in Dead Ops Arcade and Dead Ops Arcade II: Cyber's Avenging and lasts for 30 seconds. It emits light-purple radius that when enemies enter it, they will stop attacking the player and/or run away (this does not apply with Bulls and the Cosmic Silverback).
Electric Orb
- Main article: Electric OrbThis power-up only appears in Dead Ops Arcade and Dead Ops Arcade II: Cyber's Avenging and it lasts for 60 seconds. Four electrical orbs would circle the player and when an orb comes into contact with an enemy, it will explode with electricity with a chain reaction (similar to the Wunderwaffe DG-2), killing any other enemies around it. When the power-up expires, the orb[s] would fly in four different directions away from the player.
- Main article: BarrelThis power-up only appears in Dead Ops Arcade and Dead Ops Arcade II: Cyber's Avenging and it lasts for 60 seconds. Two barrels would circle the player and when a barrel comes into contact with an enemy, it would instantly kill it. When the power-up expires, the barrels would just fall from their rotation.
- Main article: BootsThis power-up only appears in Dead Ops Arcade and Dead Ops Arcade II: Cyber's Avenging and it lasts for 60 seconds. This doubles the speed of the player.
The Fate of Furious Feet would grant the player permanent Boots.
- Main article: TankThis power-up only appears in Dead Ops Arcade and Dead Ops Arcade II: Cyber's Avenging, spawning randomly along with other various power-ups during the seconds area's rounds and after. This power-up enables players to ride and use a T-55 tank against enemies, with the ability to shoot missiles, run over enemies, be invincible at the moment, and have a Chicken use a China Lake. At the moment after the power-up expires, players are granted invincibility for a brief moment before it wears off, having a shorter duration than after being revived.
- Main article: HelicopterThis power-up only appears in Dead Ops Arcade and Dead Ops Arcade II: Cyber's Avenging, spawning randomly in the second area and after. This power-up enables players to ride and use a Helicopter against enemies, with the ability to shoot a minigun and missiles, be invincible at the moment, and have a Chicken use a Ray Gun. At the moment the power-up expires, players are granted invincibility for a brief moment before it wears off.
Random Perk Bottle
- Main article: Random Perk BottleAppears in Ascension, Call of the Dead, Shangri-La, Moon, & Die Rise . This power-up will drop in Ascension if the player successfully completes a monkey round without having any of the Perk-A-Cola machines touched by Space Monkeys. In Call of the Dead, the player must kill George A. Romero. In Shangri-La, it is only obtainable by killing the monkey that steals a power-up (it cycles through all power-ups, the bottle appears in a split second). In Moon, it can be obtained by throwing a QED (Quantum Entanglement Device), and having the perk bottle spawn. In Die Rise, you must kill all the Minions without missing a single bullet. Ray gun, Sliquifier, and Explosives can miss without counting. Once the player obtains it, it will give all players a random perk (excluding downed or dead players). The power-up enables players to bypass the four-perk limit.
Random Weapon
- Main article: Random WeaponOnly appears in Moon. The player must throw a QED. When thrown, it may drop a random weapon, Pack-a-Punched or not. Players should be aware that pickup up the power-up instantly replaces their gun with the one in the Power-up.
Bonus Points
- Main article: Bonus PointsIn Moon, it only appears after the player has thrown a QED. The effect is random; it gives the player who picks it up (or everyone in the game) a random number of points. The power-up looks like a Z with two lines going across it, like a $ sign.
- Main article: TombstoneOnly appearing in TranZit and Town on Co-op, this power-up gives the player their entire inventory minus their Tombstone Soda after their death (must either commit suicide or bleed out to appear). The power-up looks like an enlarged, 3D model of the Tombstone Soda logo.
- Main article: FleshOnly appearing in Grief mode, this power-up acts similarly to Monkey Bombs, with the exception that it would only attract Zombies. If it impacts another player, all Zombies would go after the player until the Power-Up expires. This lasts for 30 seconds and unlike all other Green Power-Ups, this one would work like a Blue one, affecting the player who obtains it (i.e. the player gets the Flesh to use).
- Main article: HeadphoneOnly appearing in the "Pop Goes the Weasel" Easter Egg, this power-up causes the screen to turn black and white for a moment while a recording is heard in the background. The power-ups would only spawn one at a time, the next spawning after the previous has been obtained. The recordings are a continuation of Stanley Ferguson's narration of the mobsters' escape. The power-up is a pair of headphones.
War Machine
- Main article: War MachineOnly appearing in Dead Ops Arcade II: Cyber's Avenging, this weapon works exactly like the China Lake from the map's prequel. This weapon noticeably is missing its given sight that it normally has in the rest of the game. This power-up lasts for 10-50 seconds.
- Main article: BlackCellOnly appearing in Dead Ops Arcade II: Cyber's Avenging, this weapon works exactly like the RPG-7 from the map's prequel. This power-up lasts for 10-50 seconds.
Boxing Gloves
- Main article: Boxing GlovesOnly appearing in Dead Ops Arcade II: Cyber's Avenging, this weapon instantly kills enemies that touch the player.
First Person
- Main article: First PersonOnly appearing in Dead Ops Arcade II: Cyber's Avenging, this power-up changes the camera and controls to the traditional first-person controls of the game. Shooting, aiming down the sight, and sprinting are available. The grenade buttons are used for the Nukes and Speed Boosts (lethal grenade button for Speed Boost, tactical grenade button for the Nuke). The player also gains more health (back to standard three hits) as well as a multiplier of x5 plus the multipliers that the player had in top-down mode. This power-up lasts for 30 seconds and can be deactivated if the player changes camera positions. The power-up resembles a portrait of a person.
- Main article: KRM-262Only appearing in Dead Ops Arcade II: Cyber's Avenging, this weapon works much like the SPAS-12 from its prequel. This weapon has great damage, as well as a massive amount of spread. This power-up lasts for 10-50 seconds.
- Main article: SawOnly appearing in Dead Ops Arcade II: Cyber's Avenging, this power-up spawns a saw that surrounds the player, killing any enemy in its path. This power-up lasts for 30 seconds.
- Main article: PurifierOnly appearing in Dead Ops Arcade II: Cyber's Avenging, this weapon works much like the M2 Flamethrower from its prequel. It has fairly low damage, but great range. This power-up lasts for 10-50 seconds.
- Main article: UmbrellaOnly appearing in Dead Ops Arcade II: Cyber's Avengening, this power-up spawns multiple Skull power-ups from the sky. This lasts for 30 seconds.
- Main article: VortexOnly appearing in Dead Ops Arcade II: Cyber's Avengening, this power-up spawns a vortex that sucks enemies in and kills them, much like the Gersh Device and Apothicon Servant. This power-up lasts for 15 seconds.
- Main article: R.A.P.S.In Dead Ops Arcade II: Cyber's Avengening, this power-up enables players to ride a RAPS which can crush any enemy (except for the Cyber Silverback) in its path and has a high speed, but slow turning.
- Main article: ATVOnly appearing in Dead Ops Arcade II: Cyber's Avengening, this power-up enables players to ride an ATV and use it against enemies. Much like the Tank, this can run over any enemy (except for the Cyber Silverback) and kill them instantly while the player can also use a mounted turret on top. This lasts for 30 seconds and the moment the power-up expires, the player is granted invincibility, like any other vehicle, for a short moment.
- Main article: SkeletonOnly appearing in Dead Ops Arcade II: Cyber's Avengening, this power-up spawns a friendly Skeleton Zombie that attacks other enemies like what a normal skeleton would do. This skeleton lasts for 60 seconds.
Civil Protector
- Main article: Civil ProtectorIn Dead Ops Arcade II: Cyber's Avengening, players can obtain this power-up which spawns a Civil Protector, working very much alike its Shadows of Evil variant. It's armed with an AK-47 and it lasts for 60 seconds.
Missile Launcher
- Main article: Missile LauncherOnly appearing in Dead Ops Arcade II: Cyber's Avengening, this power-up spawns a launcher from the sky and fires missiles much like the BlackCell at its targeted enemy. This lasts for 60 seconds.
Grenade Turret
- Main article: Grenade TurretOnly appearing in Dead Ops Arcade II: Cyber's Avengening, this power-up spawns a turret that shoots grenades much like the War Machine at its targeted enemy. This lasts for 60 seconds.
Ammo Box
- Main article: Ammo BoxOnly appearing in Dead Ops Arcade II: Cyber's Avengening, this power-up has various effects, most of them imitating other power-ups, such as the Skull. This lasts for the amount of time the weapon has been given.
- Main article: Insta-KillOnly in Moon, this only spawns from a Quantum Entanglement Device and when obtained by an enemy, this will enable enemies to kill players with one hit, regardless if the players have Juggernog.
Double Points
- Main article: Double PointsAppearing in Moon from a QED and spawning randomly from a Zombie in Turned mode, this gives enemies double the health they currently have.
Max Ammo
- Main article: Max AmmoAppearing in Moon from a QED and spawning in from a Zombie in Turned mode, this eliminates the current magazine from the human player.
- Main article: NukeAppearing only in Turned mode, this would kill the human player and make the zombie who obtained it human.
Fire Sale
- Main article: Fire SaleAppearing only in Moon from a QED, this would move the Mystery Box to the farthest location from the players as possible and increase the cost to 1900 points.
Random Perk Bottle
- Main article: Random Perk BottleAppearing only in Moon via QED, this would remove one Perk from every player.
Bonus Points
- Main article: Bonus PointsAppearing only in Moon via QED, this would remove a certain amount of points from every player.
- Main article: CureOnly spawning in at the beginning of Turned mode, this turns the first zombie who obtains it into a human.
Death Machine
- Main article: Death MachineOn the maps "Five", Ascension, Call of the Dead, Moon, Shadows of Evil, The Giant, Der Eisendrache, Zetsubou No Shima, Gorod Krovi, and Revelations, players can use the Death Machine for 30 seconds before expiry. The stats of this weapon make it ideal for the middle rounds and bosses to come, especially for bosses like the Pentagon Thief.
On Ascension, completing the "Kassimir Mechanism" Easter Egg would grant all players Death Machines for 90 seconds to use.
On Moon, completing the "Richtofen's Grand Scheme" Easter Egg would grant all players Death Machines for 90 seconds as well as all the perks available on the map.
On the Black Ops III maps, players are able to sprint with this weapon (however, not at a high mobility) and will be able to deactivate the power-up if the player switches weapons. This weapon can be spawned using the Fatal Contraption Gobblegum.
Lightning Bolt
- Main article: Lightning BoltOnly appears in Call of the Dead. Awarded when the player completes the Original Characters Trapped Easter Egg. It grants the player a Wunderwaffe DG-2 that can't be pack-a-punched and will disappear when the player runs out of ammo (although Max Ammo refills it). It will also be dropped by George A. Romero upon death from then on. The icon of the power-up is the same icon as a Death Machine.
Blood Money
- Main article: Bonus PointsOn the maps TranZit, Buried, Origins, Shadows of Evil, and Zetsubou No Shima, a Blood Money/Bonus Points would give the player who obtains it a certain amount of points, usually ranging from 100-1000 points.
On TranZit and Buried, these only appear via the Bank where the two keys can be activated with Galvaknuckles.
On Origins, Shadows of Evil, and Zetsubou No Shima, these only appear in the Dig Sites/Harvest Pods.
These are not affected by Double Points, unlike the green variant.
Max Ammo
- Main article: Max AmmoAppearing in Turned mode and Revelations, this power-up has many effects. If a human picks it up in Turned, then it will work like a normal Max Ammo, and if a Zombie picks it up, it works out like a red Max Ammo. However, in Black Ops III, this power-up can spawn from the I'm Feeling Lucky Gobblegum and when obtained, it would replace the player's current weapon with a Shieva as a prank from the game.
Double Points
- Main article: Double PointsAppearing in Turned, this power-up corresponds with whoever obtains it. It either would give Double Points to a human, or a red Double Points to the Zombies.
- Main article: NukeAppearing in Turned, this power-up corresponds with whoever obtains it. It either kills all the Zombies for the Human, or kills the Human and switches the places of whoever picks it up.
Monkey Bomb
- Main article: Monkey BombAppearing in Turned, this power-up gives the player a Monkey Bomb in their inventory to use. These spawn after the kill with the previous Monkey Bombs. This would (in a Zombie's point of view) essentially hide the Human from being seen through enhanced sight, as given to the Zombies, and it would show a human standing still. Attacking it would kill the Zombie.
Widows Wine Spiders
- Main article: Widow's Wine SpidersAppearing in only after purchasing the Perk-a-Cola Widow's Wine, this power-up refills one stock of webs for the Perk, and would appear after one has been used (used either by throwing Widow's Wine Grenades or being hit by an enemy). The spiders would remain in the player's inventory, even after they down, but only if they are revived. The power-up then don't appear until Widow's Wine has been bought again.
Tram Fuse
- Main article: Tram FuseAppearing only in Der Eisendrache, this power-up is stored in the player's inventory (only up to one) to use at the Spawn Room Tram, where it would give a random Power-Up. They spawn randomly from Zombies, or at the beginning of each game.
- Main article: SeedAppearing only in Zetsubou No Shima, this power-up can be stored in the player's inventory (only up to three) to use in any of the dirt mounds to make Harvest Pods. These spawn randomly from Zombies.
Double Points
- Main article: Double PointsThis power-up only appears in Turned mode and it can only be obtained by Zombies and it would only affect the Zombie who obtains it. This works like a red Double Points, giving the Zombie double the health.
- Main article: CoinThese power-ups are worth a small amount of points and only appear in Dead Ops Arcade and Dead Ops Arcade II: Cyber's Avenging. The power-up is a coin with the Treyarch logo inscribed.
Bonus Points
- Main article: Bonus PointsThese power-ups are worth an average amount of points and only appear in Dead Ops Arcade and Dead Ops Arcade II: Cyber's Avenging.
Silver Bars
- Main article: Silver BarsThese power-ups are worth a large amount of points and only appear in Dead Ops Arcade and Dead Ops Arcade II: Cyber's Avenging. This power-up resembles silver bars stacked in six.
- Main article: CoinThese power-ups are worth a small amount of points and only appear in Dead Ops Arcade and Dead Ops Arcade II: Cyber's Avenging. The power-up is a coin with the Treyarch logo inscribed.
Bonus Points
- Main article: Bonus PointsThese power-ups are worth an average amount of points and only appear in Dead Ops Arcade and Dead Ops Arcade II: Cyber's Avenging.
Gold Bars
- Main article: Gold BarsThese power-ups are worth a large amount of points and only appear in Dead Ops Arcade and Dead Ops Arcade II: Cyber's Avenging. The power-up resembles typical gold bars stacked in six.
- Main article: GemThese are power-ups worth a very large amount (depending on size) and only appear in Dead Ops Arcade and Dead Ops Arcade II: Cyber's Avenging. This power-up resembles a typical gem.
Extra Life
- Main article: Extra LifeThese power-ups grant the player another life and only appear in Dead Ops Arcade and Dead Ops Arcade II: Cyber's Avenging. This power-up resemble's the character the player is being.
- Main article: BagThese power-ups are worth 10-100 points and only spawn if the player has the Perk-a-Cola, Vulture-Aid. These power-ups appear as tiny sacks.
- Main article: BulletsThese power-ups give the player 1-10 rounds in their weapon (or 1-10 seconds of recharge on the Paralyzer) and only spawn if the player has the Perk-a-Cola, Vulture-Aid. These power-ups appear as a pile of bullets.
- Main article: GemsThese power-ups don't have a glow and don't levitate, but they work the exact same way as the regular ones in Dead Ops Arcade and Dead Ops Arcade II: Cyber's Avenging. These only appear after a player has been killed.
Empty Perk Bottle
- Main article: Empty Perk BottleThis power-up only appears in Origins from the Dig Sites (only with the Golden Shovel) and add one Perk-a-Cola slot into the player's inventory, allowing them to buy an extra Perk beyond the four-perk limit.
- Main article: SkullThis power-up only appears in Dead Ops Arcade II: Cyber's Avengening and it essentially Pack-a-Punches the player's current weapon. This comes in two sizes; small with double the damage and rate of fire, and big with triple stats, along with purple bullets rather than red. Switching weapons would eliminate this power-up. This power-up lasts the amount of time given on the weapon.
Persistent Upgrades
Some persistent upgrade affect the use of power-ups. Persistent Upgrades appear depending on the map, out of TranZit, Die Rise, and Buried.
Red Insta-Kill
- Main article: Red Insta-KillAppearing on all three of the featured maps, this upgrade grants all players invincibility for 15 seconds. Players can simply touch any enemy to kill them during this time. A red insta-kill icon (slightly smaller than the normal) would appear right above the normal icon. The rest of the 15 seconds is the normal insta-kill.
To gain this upgrade, all players must not attack any enemies for two insta-kill periods.
To lose this upgrade, a player must take damage from an enemy during an insta-kill (explosions from fire doesn't count).
- Main article: Half-OffAppearing only in Buried, this upgrade allows the player to purchase anything for 50% off their price, even when they are discounted (during a Fire Sale and Double Points, the Mystery Box price would then be reduced to 5 points per weapon) during a Double Points.
To gain this upgrade, the player must gain 3000 points during a Double Points period.
To lose this upgrade, the player must spend less than 1000 points during a Double Points.
Steel Carpenter Barriers
- Main article: Steel Carpenter BarriersAppearing in all of the featured maps, this upgrade would put up stronger wooden boards from a Carpenter. These would delay the time for a Zombie to rip the board off the barrier. This can also be stacked with the regular Steel Barriers upgrade.
To gain this upgrade, the player must kill a Zombie behind a barrier while the Carpenter is active.
To lose this upgrade, the player must fail to kill a Zombie behind a barrier during a Carpenter period, which lasts for about 10 seconds.
GobbleGums in Black Ops III will also have an effect on Power-Ups.
Dead of Nuclear Winter
- Main article: Dead of Nuclear WinterThis Mega GobbleGum, ranked at Common, spawns a Nuke Power-Up when used. This can be used 2 times.
I'm Feeling Lucky
- Main article: I'm Feeling LuckyThis Mega GobbleGum, ranked at Common, spawns a random Power-Up when used. This can be used 2 times.
Immolation Liquidation
- Main article: Immolation LiquidationThis Mega GobbleGum, ranked at Common, spawns a Fire Sale Power-Up when used. This can be used 3 times.
Licensed Contractor
- Main article: Licensed ContractorThis Mega GobbleGum, ranked at Common, spawns a Carpenter Power-Up when used. This can be used 3 times.
Who's Keeping Score?
- Main article: Who's Keeping Score?This Mega GobbleGum, ranked at Common, spawns a Double Points Power-Up when used. This can be used 2 times.
Fatal Contraption
- Main article: Fatal ContraptionThis Mega GobbleGum, ranked at Common and requires the Awakening DLC, spawns a Death Machine Power-Up when used. This can be used 2 times.
Cache Back
- Main article: Cache BackThis Mega GobbleGum, ranked at Rare, spawns a Max Ammo Power-Up when used. This can only be used 1 time.
Kill Joy
- Main article: Kill JoyThis Mega GobbleGum, ranked at Rare, spawns an Insta-Kill Power-Up when used. This can be used 2 times.
On the House
- Main article: On the HouseThis Mega GobbleGum, ranked at Rare, spawns a Random Perk Bottle Power-Up when used. This can be used only 1 time.
Temporal Gift
- Main article: Temporal GiftThis Mega GobbleGum, ranked at Rare and requires the Eclipse DLC, makes all time-based Power-Ups last longer. This lasts for 1 round.
- In Nacht der Untoten, power-ups showed how much time they had left on screen, but it was changed to an icon which blinked depending on how much time is left.
- Zombies killed by any Wonder Weapon except the Ray Gun, 31-79 JGb215, Winter's Howl, and tactical grenades do not drop Power-Ups. This does not apply to the Max Ammo received at the end of a special round (Hellhound, Space Monkey, Pentagon Thief round), the Death Machine and perk bottle from George A. Romero, or Power-ups held by Zombie Monkeys; those will be received no matter what.
- On the map Moon, various power-ups may be hacked with the Hacker to change them into Max Ammo. Max Ammo can be hacked into Fire Sale for 5000 points.
- On Moon, Power-ups can spawn in the Biodome around any Launch Pad when using them, as seen in this video.