A Perk-a-Cola (Perk for short) is a feature in Call of Duty: World at War, Call of Duty: ZOMBIES, Call of Duty: Black Ops, Call of Duty: Black Ops Zombies, Call of Duty: Black Ops II, and Call of Duty: Black Ops III, on the maps Nacht der Untoten (Black Ops version only) Verrückt, Shi No Numa, Der Riese, Kino der Toten, "Five", Ascension, Call of the Dead, Shangri-La, Moon, TranZit, Town, Farm, Nuketown Zombies, Die Rise, Mob of the Dead, Cell Block, Buried, Borough (Grief only), Origins, Shadows of Evil, The Giant, Der Eisendrache, Zetsubou No Shima, Gorod Krovi, and Revelations.
These appear in vending machines and they each are priced between 500 to 4000 points to purchase. On most maps, these would spawn in fixed locations of the maps Nacht der Untoten, Verrückt, Der Riese, Kino der Toten, "Five", Ascension, Call of the Dead, Shangri-La (except Juggernog and Speed Cola), Moon (Except Juggernog and Speed Cola), TranZit, Town, Farm, Mob of the Dead, Cell Block, Buried, Origins, Der Eisendrache, Gorod Krovi, and Revelations. On Shi No Numa, Shangri-La (Juggernog and Speed Cola), Moon (Juggernog and Speed Cola), Nuketown Zombies, Die Rise, Shadows of Evil, The Giant, and Zetsubou No Shima, they would spawn randomly along with other machines, sometimes along with the Pack-a-Punch machine. Perks can also be obtained via a Random Perk Bottle or the GobbleGum Perkaholic. When downed, players would lose all of their Perks, unless they obtained the Focusing Stone, completed Richtofen's Grand Scheme, use Tombstone Soda and kill themselves and respawn, revive themselves with Who's Who, complete the Maxis side of Mined Games, have the Tombstone persistent upgrade, or have an Aftertaste or Near Death Experience (or was revived by) GobbleGum. There are 13 Perk-a-Colas in total, however, players can only limit themselves to four Perks, unless special methods are used.
Quick Revive
- Main article: Quick Revive

Quick Revive Perk Machine
Quick Revive is a Perk introduced in the map Verrückt alongside Juggernog, Speed Cola, and Double Tap Root Beer and is available on all maps featured (except for Nacht der Untoten, Mob of the Dead, and Cell Block). This Perk has two different uses. In Co-op, it would cost 1500 points and it would revive players four times faster than normal. In Solo (not available on World at War and ZOMBIES), it costs 500 points, with three uses maximum, and it revives the player, who will be armed with a Mustang and Sally in Black Ops and Black Ops II (except Origins), a Mustang in Black Ops Zombies, a Boomhilda in Origins, a Meatwagon in Shadows of Evil, or Death and Taxes in all other Black Ops III maps, unless the player has a pistol in their inventory with ammo. Falling off the map would result in all Perks lost, but not weapons.
In Black Ops II, a Persistent Upgrade called Faster Revive mirrors the effects of the co-op version of Quick Revive.
In Origins, this Perk is available for purchase (unless all three of the Solo versions are used up in the game).
- Main article: Juggernog

Juggernog Soda Emblem

Juggernog Perk Machine
Juggernog is a Perk introduced in the map Verrückt alongside Quick Revive, Speed Cola, and Double Tap Root Beer and is available on all maps featured (except for Nacht der Untoten and Cell Block). This Perk doubles the player's health from 100% (2 or 3-hit down) to 250% (5-hit down). It costs 2500 points.
In Black Ops II, a Persistent Upgrade called 200% Health mirrors the effects of Juggernog, except it takes 4 hits to go down instead of 5.
In Revelations, a Helmet of Seigfried, Fury Head, Keeper Skull Head, and Apothicon Mask would give the player a purple Juggernog, which adds one more hit required to down the player.
Speed Cola
- Main article: Speed Cola

Speed Cola Perk Machine

Speed Cola Emblem
Speed Cola is a Perk introduced in the map Verrückt, alongside Quick Revive, Juggernog, and Double Tap Root Beer, and is available on all of the featured maps (except for Nacht der Untoten). This Perk has two uses; the first, featured in all of the games, double the reload speed, and the second, exclusive to World at War and ZOMBIES, rebuilds Barriers twice as fast. It costs 3000 points.
Double Tap Root Beer
- Main article: Double Tap Root Beer

Double Tap Root Beer Perk Machine
Double Tap Root Beer is a Perk introduced in the map Verrückt, alongside Quick Revive, Juggernog, and Speed Cola, and is available on all of the featured maps in World at War, Call of Duty: ZOMBIES, Call of Duty: Black Ops, and Call of Duty: Black Ops Zombies (except Nacht der Untoten and Ascension). This Perk increases the rate of fire by approximately 33% overall. It costs 2000 points.
In Black Ops II and Black Ops III, this Perk is replaced with its successor, Double Tap II.
Stamin-Up Soda
- Main article: Stamin-Up

Stamin-Up Soda Perk Machine
Stamin-Up is a Perk introduced in the map Ascension alongside PhD Flopper, and it's featured in all the maps after that (except Nacht der Untoten Farm Die Rise & Mob of the Dead (in The Giant, it randomly spawns with Deadshot Daiquiri after completing the Fly Trap Easter Egg). This Perk has two uses; the first increasing the sprinting speed by 7%, and the second increasing the sprinting duration by 100%. It costs 2000 points.
In Revelations, a Dire Wolf Head, Margwa Head, Helmet of the King, and Apothicon Mask would increase the sprint duration each by 25%.
PhD Flopper
- Main article: PhD Flopper

PhD Flopper Emblem

PhD Flopper Perk Machine
PhD Flopper is a Perk introduced in the map Ascension alongside Stamin-Up, and it's also featured in Call of the Dead, Shangri-La, Moon, Cell Block, and Origins (via Der Wunderfizz), with cameos in Die Rise and Mob of the Dead. This Perk has five uses; the first is that it protects players from explosive/splash damage from explosive weapons and Wonder Weapons, the second is that it protects players from fall damage, the third is that it protects players from overcooked M67 Frag Grenades, the fourth is that it allows players to create an explosion when "Dolphin Diving" (diving to prone) from a higher elevation, and the fifth is that it can be combined with the Elemental Staffs to explode with their corresponding element. It costs 2500 points.
In Black Ops II, a Persistent Upgrade by the same name mirrors the effects of PhD Flopper, except it doesn't protect the player from regular fall damage and overcooked grenades.
Deadshot Daiquiri
- Main article: Deadshot Daiquiri

Deadshot Daiquiri Perk Machine

Deadshot Daiquiri Perk Icon
Deadshot Daiquiri is a Perk introduced in the map Call of the Dead, and it's featured in Shangri-La, Moon, Mob of the Dead, Cell Block, Origins (via Der Wunderfizz), The Giant (may spawn a Stamin-Up instead), Der Eisendrache (via Der Wunderfizz), Zetsubou No Shima (Fruit Plant), Gorod Krovi (via Der Wunderfizz), and Revelations (via Der Wunderfizz). This Perk has four uses; The first is that it increases the weapon accuracy by 35%, the second is that it reduces recoil on all weapons, the third is that it reduces sway when aiming down the sight, and the fourth is that sets the Aim Assist so that it targets the enemy's head instead of body. On the consoles, it costs 1500 points, and on PC, it costs 1000 points due to the lack of Aim Assist.
In Black Ops II, a similar Persistent Upgrade called More Headshot Damage increases the damage of headshots.
Mule Kick
- Main article: Mule Kick

Mule Kick Perk Machine
Mule Kick is a Perk introduced in the map [[Moon]] and after an update in ''Black Ops'', it is then featured in all of the maps, Die Rise, Cell Block, Buried, Origins, and all maps in ''Black Ops III'', with a cameo in Mob of the Dead. This Perk allows players to carry one extra weapon in their inventory. This costs 4000 points.
In Black Ops II, a completing the Maxis side of the "Mined Games" Easter Egg with Mule Kick would grant the player a second Mule Kick, allowing them to carry the fourth weapon.
Tombstone Soda
- Main article: Tombstone Soda

Tombstone Soda Perk Machine

Tombstone Soda Emblem
Tombstone Soda is a Perk introduced in TranZit and Town and is only featured when playing co-op. This Perk allows players to regain their entire inventory minus the Tombstone Perk after their death via Power-Up when they respawn. Players can decide to commit suicide or wait until they bleed out for the Perk to work. This costs 2500 points.
In Die Rise and Buried, a Persistent Upgrade called the Tombstone Upgrade allows players to keep all their Perks minus one Perk (Quick Revive is always first on Solo) when they down and get revived.
In Black Ops III, a GobbleGum called Aftertaste share the same effects, except only with the Perks.
Double Tap Root Beer II
- Main article: Double Tap II

Double Tap Root Beer II Perk Machine

Double Tap Root Beer II Emblem
Double Tap II is a Perk introduced in TranZit, Town, and Farm and is featured in all other Black Ops II and Black Ops III maps featuring Perks. This Perk has 2 uses; the first is that it increases the rate of fire of the weapon by 33% and the second is that it doubles the bullet output per one shot in bullet weapons. This costs 2000 points.
Who's Who
- Main article: Who's Who

Who's Who Perk Machine

Who's Who Emblem
Who's Who is a Perk introduced in the map Die Rise and is exclusive to that map only. This Perk spawns a doppelganger/ghost of the player after they down, arming them with an M1911, two M67 Frag Grenades, a Knife, and two Claymores if the player bought them alive. The player would also have the number of points they had when downed, and they can purchase anything, but it won't affect what the "real" player has, thus removing all of the purchased items when revived, as well as returning all of the spent points. The player would have a chance to go revive their real selves in a certain time limit or complete the round to be automatically revived, or have another player revive the downed player. This Perk can be stacked with Quick Revive on Solo, giving the player limited time before being revived. Downing in this state would result in the game-ending. Falling out of the map with this Perk would cause the player to lose only this Perk and teleport back to the Spawn Area. Successfully reviving the "real" player or getting revived by another player would result in the player retaining all of their Perks, minus the Who's Who.
Electric Cherry
- Main article: Electric Cherry

Electric Cherry Perk Machine

Electric Cherry Emblem
Electric Cherry is a Perk introduced in the map Mob of the Dead and it's featured in Origins (via Der Wunderfizz) and all of the featured Black Ops III maps (except Shadows of Evil and The Giant) (via Der Wunderfizz) (in Zetsubou No Shima, it can be taken from a fruit). This Perk takes effect when reloading, electrocuting enemies around the player. The damage and radius depend on how much ammo and how the long the reload time on a weapon is; the more ammo used upon a weapon, the stronger and wider the effect is. This costs 2000 points.
Vulture Aid Elixir
- Main article: Vulture Aid

Vulture Aid Elixir Perk Machine

Vulture Aid Elixir Emblem
Vulture Aid is a Perk introduced in Buried and is only featured in that map. This Perk has 5 uses; The first is that it makes icons of the utilities (Perks, Mystery Box, Pack-a-Punch, Wall Weapons, Chalk-Drawing Locations, and the Wisp) appear, the second is that it makes Zombies, Perk Machines, Pack-a-Punch, and the Mystery Box glow brighter, the third is that it makes Zombies drop small Power-Ups of ammunition (10% of magazine in current weapon), the fourth is that it makes Zombies drop small Power-Ups of points (5 to 20 points), and the fifth is that it produces a green gas that when entered, Zombies would ignore the player. This costs 3000 points.
Widow's Wine
- Main article: Widow's Wine
Widow's Wine Emblem

Widow's Wine Perk Machine
Widow's Wine is a Perk introduced in Shadows of Evil and is featured in all other ''Black Ops III'' maps (Except The Giant) featuring Perks. This Perk has 2 uses; the first is that it creates an explosion of webs that encircle and slow down any enemies around the player, slowly damaging the enemy. The second is that it changes the player's M67 Frag Grenades to Widow's Wine Grenades, exploding like what the Perk itself does, along with any melee weapons. The player has a stock of webs, up to ten hits before running out. To replenish this, Widow's Wine Power-Ups spawn from Zombies and they add one hit to the player's inventory. The number of webs would stay even after being downed and revived, just not the Power-Ups. This costs 4000 points.
Der Wunderfizz
- Main article: Der Wunderfizz

Der Wunderfizz Machine
Der Wunderfizz is a feature introduced in Origins and is featured in Der Eisendrache and Gorod Krovi. This machine allows players to purchase a random Perk, with a certain limit of uses before it cycles a Teddy Bear bottle and moves to a different location, much like the Mystery Box. It costs 1500 points peruse and features the following Perks:
- Quick Revive
- Juggernog
- Speed Cola
- Double Tap II
- Stamin-Up
- PhD Flopper (Black Ops II only)
- Deadshot Daiquiri
- Mule Kick
- Electric Cherry
- Widow's Wine (Black Ops III only)
- Teddy Bear
Amm-O-Matic Soda
- Main article: Amm-O-Matic

Amm-O-Matic Soda Perk Machine

Amm-O-Matic Perk Emblem
Amm-O-Matic is a cut Perk from World at War. This Perk was supposed to give the player a Max Ammo when purchased.
- Main article: Candolier
Candolier Soda Perk Emblem
- Main article: PronaidePronaide is a cut Perk from Black Ops. This Perk was speculated to double the speed when going to prone.
Tufbrew Beer
- Main article: TufbrewTufbrew is a cut Perk from Black Ops. This Perk was speculated to double the penetration of bullet weapons.
Exceeding the Four-Perk Limit
On certain maps, players are able to obtain more than four Perks in their game.
- Ascension - Obtaining Random Perk Bottles; the player must successfully defend and complete a Space Monkey round in order to spawn this Power-Up.
- Call of the Dead - Obtaining Random Perk Bottles; the player must successfully kill George A. Romero in order to spawn this Power-Up.
- Shangri-La - Two methods can be used:
- Obtaining Random Perk Bottles; the player must successfully kill a Zombie Monkey while it cycles through a stolen Power-Up at the moment it cycles the Random Perk Bottle.
- Obtaining the Focusing Stone; the player must progress through either the Solo or Co-op Easter Egg in order to obtain the Focusing Stone.
- Moon - Two methods can be used:
- Obtaining Random Perk Bottles:
- Spawns in between the Gravity Lifts in the Biodome
- Spawns from QED
- Blowing up the Earth; the player must progress through the Richtofen's Grand Scheme Easter Egg.
- Obtaining Random Perk Bottles:
- TranZit - Using Tombstone Soda; the player must commit suicide with at least three Perks (one must be Tombstone Soda). The player must then purchase all of the Perks he/she didn't have before and then obtain the Tombstone Power-Up.
- Town - Using Tombstone Soda; the player must commit suicide with at least three Perks (one must be Tombstone Soda). The player must then purchase all of the Perks he/she didn't have before and then obtain the Tombstone Power-Up.
- Die Rise - Two methods can be used:
- Obtaining Random Perk Bottles; the player must successfully complete a Jumping Jack round with 100% accuracy to spawn this Power-Up.
- Activating the Tower; the player must progress through the High Maintenance Easter Egg.
- Buried - Two methods can be used:
- Obtaining Random Perk Bottles; the player must successfully traverse through the Ghost's mansion when the mansion's lights are on and kill all of the Ghosts outside to spawn this Power-Up.
- Give Maxis control of the Aether; the player must progress through Maxis's instructions in the Mined Games Easter Egg.
- Origins - Two methods can be used:
- Obtaining Random Perk Bottles; the player must use a shovel in the Dig Sites, which may spawn this Power-Up.
- Obtaining Empty Perk Bottles; the player must use a shovel in the Red Dig Sites during Zombie Blood, which may spawn this Power-Up. They each add one Perk slot into the player's inventory. The player then can purchase another Perk.
- Black Ops III maps
- Perkaholic GobbleGum
- Obtaining Random Perk Bottles:
- Harvest Pods
- On the House GobbleGum
- I'm Feeling Lucky GobbleGum (may spawn other Power-Ups)
- Tram
- Fruits
Perkaholics Anonymous- On Der Riese survive until round 20 without buying a perk.
Perk-a-Holic- On Shi No Numa obtain all four perks at once.
Note: On the iPod/iPhone/Ipad game version, both locations to earn the achievement is Verruckt.
- In Verrückt, there is always an advertisement for a Perk-a-Cola machine near another Perk-A-Cola machine.
- When downed, the player will lose all their Perks-a-Colas (Unless they were obtained through various Easter egg, using Aftertaste or being revived using Pheonix up)
- After buying a Perk-a-Cola, a small jingle will play.
- In CoD: World at War, the Wunderwaffe (Pack-A-Punched or not), Hitting yourself with it glitches your Juggernog and resets your health to the normal, despite the symbol is still at the bottom of your screen. The player will then only need two hits from zombies or three from hellhounds to get downed if this happens. Falling from certain heights like the catwalk at Teleporter C in Der Riese will also down the player. The only cure is to down yourself and buy Juggernog again.
- In Verrückt, an on-screen prompt will tell you how much any given perk costs, but in Shi No Numa, a sticker on the machine itself displays the price.
- If you prone under a Perk-A-Cola machine in Der Riese you will get 25 points for free. This only works on each Perk-A-Cola machine once and is a little joke from Treyarch about how sometimes you can get a quarter under the machine. However, the amount of points you get differs between the map for World at War and the one for Black Ops. In World at War, doing this to any of the four will give you 30 points (even though it says you got 25), whereas, in Black Ops version of Der Riese, you would actually get 25 points, as it would say. However, Mule Kick does not grant any points.
- Sometimes when one of the machines plays its jingle the same jingle can be heard at the other machines as well.
- On Der Riese, Quick Revive is the only perk that cannot be purchased immediately after activating the power, as it is behind a door that has to be bought openly. Juggernog, Speed Cola, and Double Tap can all be found after activating the power without having to open any extra doors.
- These machines are powered by Element 115.
- The Speed Cola machine shows three green bottles on the side, however, when you buy one, it doesn't take one-off.
- When Shi No Numa is loading, in the bottom left corner of the screen the two 'brought to you by..." companies showed are Treyarch and "Jugger-Nog Soda."
- When your character throws the bottle away, even if you stand in one place, the bottle doesn't appear on the ground.
- If you run into the perk machines, you can hear the bottles move around.
- Mule Kick is the only perk machine in Nacht Der Untoten.
- The Gobblegum Perkaholic will give you all the perks currently on that map
- Juggernog works differently in WaW than the other games. Juggernog used to not change your base health, but instead would increase your health regeneration to a extremelyhigh amount. You could absolutely be mauled by a zombie but still survive, and because of how overpowered it was, Treyarch nerfed it for the future games giving to 4 hit limit.