The M72 LAW (Standing for Light-Antitank-Weapon) is a rocket launcher that is obtainable in Zombies. It is only obtainable in the Mystery Box in the maps Kino der Toten, "Five", Ascension, Call of the Dead, Shangri La , the remastered World at War maps and Moon.
It comes with 20 reserve rockets, plus one in the launcher. It is not very useful though, as it creates a large number of crawlers and has a very slow reload. The player should replace this weapon as soon as possible, unless he/she intends to Pack-a-Punch it.
When Pack-a-Punched, it becomes the M72 Anarchy, featuring a 10 round magazine and full-automatic firing. It can reload all rockets at once by reloading one rocket, similar to the SPAZ-24. The M72 Anarchy is much more effective than the normal version but it still should be passed over for better weapons, especially in higher rounds. The player will no longer automatically aim down the sights when firing the upgraded version, because firing from the hip is added, thus allowing a faster rate of fire. The LAW can be very useful as a backup weapon, as it has a large blast radius and can create crawlers if the player wishes to. Speed Cola is highly recommended with this weapon's use.
- It is not required to ADS before shooting when Pack-a-Punched
- The name M72 Anarchy refers to anarchy being the opposite of the law
External links[]
- M72 LAW (Call of Duty Wiki)