- "Five"
- "Five"/Transcript
- "Not Ready To Die"
- "Smokey"
- "Tank" Dempsey
- .357 Magnum
- 115 (song)
- 115 Generators
- 200% Health
- 205 Brecci
- 31-79 JGb215
- 40 Knives
- 48 Dredge
- AK-47
- AK-74u
- AN-94
- A Better Tomorrow
- Abigail "Misty" Briarton
- Abomination
- Abra Macabre
- Abracadavre
- Acid Gat
- Acid Gat Kit
- Acid Grenade
- Acid Trap
- Acquire Waffle Weapons!
- Activision
- Afterlife
- Albert "The Weasel" Arlington
- Alpha Omega
- Alternate Ammo Types
- Always Running
- Amalgam
- Amm-O-Matic
- Annihilation
- Annihilator
- Anti-Power-Ups
- Apocalypse
- Apothican Servent
- Apothican Sword
- Apothicon Mask
- Apothicon Servant
- Apothicon Sword
- Archangel
- Area 51
- Argus
- Arisaka
- Armory
- Army of the Dead
- Arthur
- Articles for Deletion
- Ascension
- Ascension - Radios
- Astronaut
- Automatic Turret
- Avogadro
- Avogadro sus
- Awakening
- B23R
- Ballista
- Ballistic Knife
- Bank
- Banshii
- Barret M82A1
- Barriers
- Beauty of Annihilation
- Beenox
- Big Baller
- Big Bang Theory
- Big Brawler
- Billy Handsome
- BlackCell
- Black Ops (series)
- Black Ops III Chronicles maps and why you should buy them.
- Blinded By The Fright
- Blood of the Dead
- Bloodhound
- Blundergat
- Bonfire Sale
- Bonus Points
- Bonus Room
- Bootlegger
- Boots
- Booze
- Borough
- Bouncing Betty
- Bowie Knife
- Brew, Soda, Cola & Tonic
- Brutus
- Buildables
- Buried
- Buried NAV Card
- Bus
- Bus Depot
- Bus Driver
- Bus Driver Quotes
- Buzz Cut
- CZ75
- Cabin
- Call of Duty: Black Ops
- Call of Duty: Black Ops 4
- Call of Duty: Black Ops 6
- Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War
- Call of Duty: Black Ops DS
- Call of Duty: Black Ops II
- Call of Duty: Black Ops III
- Call of Duty: WWII
- Call of Duty: World at War
- Call of Duty: ZOMBIES
- Call of Duty 2025
- Call of the Dead
- Call of the Dead/Quotes
- Call of the Dead/Transcript
- Call of the Dead - Radios
- Candolier
- Candy
- Carpenter
- Carrion
- Cashback
- Casimir Mechanism
- Cell Block
- Center for Disease Control
- Central Intelligence Agency
- Centrifuge
- Cerberus
- Chalk
- Chicken
- Chicom CQB
- Chimp on the Barbie
- China Lake
- Chopper
- Citadelle des Morts
- Classified
- Claymore
- Clockwork Squares
- Cold War Politicians
- Colt M16A1
- Colt M1911
- Coming Home
- Commando
- Cosmic Silverback
- Courtyard
- Crackshot
- Crative
- Crawler Zombies
- Crawlers Zombie
- Crossbow
- Crusader Zombie
- Crusader Zombies
- DSR-50
- Damned
- Danny Trejo
- Dark Aether
- Dark Aether Camo
- Dead Again
- Dead Ops Arcade
- Dead Ops Arcade II: Cyber's Avenging
- Dead of the Night
- Deadhead
- Deadshot Daiquiri
- Death From Below
- Death Machine
- Death On the Dance Floor
- Death Perception
- Decompressive Isotopic Estrangement Machine
- Default Weapon
- Demonic Announcer
- Demonic Announcer/Quotes
- Denizen
- Der Anfang
- Der Eisendrache
- Der Electrician!
- Der Riese
- Der Riese - Radios
- Der Wunderfizz
- Descent
- Dev console
- Dfdsdsffsdffd
- Die Maschine
- Die Rise
- Die Rise/Quotes
- Die shit
- Difficulty
- Dig Spots
- Diner
- Dingo
- Dirty Harry
- Disciple
- Divinium
- Doppelghast
- Double-Barreled Shotgun
- Double Points
- Double Tap
- Double Tap II
- Downloadable Content Pack
- Dr. Monty
- Dr. Monty's Factory
- Dr. Monty/Quotes
- Dragon Strike
- Dragunov
- Drakon
- Dying Wish
- EMP Grenade
- Easter Egg songs
- Easy
- Easy Rhino
- Eclipse (DLC)
- Eclipse (easter egg)
- Eddie
- Edward Richtofen
- Edward Richtofen (Origins)
- Edward Richtofen Quotes
- Electric Cherry
- Electro-Shock Defenses
- Elemental Pop
- Elena Siegman
- Elevate Your Senses!
- Elevator
- Ensemble Cast
- Escalation
- Excavator
- Executioner
- Extended Mag
- Extended Mags
- Extra Life
- FG-42
- Facility
- Famas
- Fan Trap
- Farm
- Faster Revive
- Fertilizer Man
- Fidel Castro
- Fire Pit
- Fire Sale
- Firebase Z
- First Strike
- Five Seven
- Flinger
- Flogger
- Floyd Campbell
- Fluffy
- Fly Trap
- Focusing Stone
- Forsaken
- Frequent Flyer!
- Fridge
- Full Lockdown
- Fury
- Fury's Song
- G-Strike
- G11
- GKZ-45 Mk3
- Galil
- Galvaknuckles
- Game Over themes
- Gauntlet of Siegfried
- George A. Romero
- Gersch (Disambiguation)
- Gersh (character)
- Gersh Device
- Gewehr 43
- Geyser
- Ghost
- Giant Robots
- Giant Spider
- Giant Thrasher
- Glitches
- GobbleGum
- GobbleGum Machine
- Golden Helmet
- Golden Rod
- Gorgon
- Gorod Krovi
- Gorod Krovi-Transcript
- Great Leap Forward
- Green Run
- Green Run/Quotes
- Grenade Launcher
- Grief
- Grigori Weaver
- Groph
- Ground Control
- Group 935
- H. Porter
- HG40
- HK21
- HS-10
- HVK-30
- Hacker
- Hammer Time
- Hands Off the Merchandise
- Harvest Pod
- Harvey Yena
- Haymaker 12
- HeadChopper
- Headshots Only
- Hell's Gate
- Hell's Retriever
- Hellhound
- Hellhounds (toggle)
- Helmets
- High Maintenance
- Hog rider
- House
- Hunter's Cabin
- I'm My Own Best Friend
- ICR-1
- IX
- I See Live People
- I have boobs
- Icarus
- Ice Slide
- Illuminati
- Insanity Elemental
- Insert Coin
- Insta-Kill
- Island
- It's a Trap!
- JFK Quotes
- Jack Vincent
- Jessica Rose
- John
- John "Banana"
- John F. Kennedy
- Juggernog
- Jumping Jack
- KAP-40
- KN-44
- KRM-262
- KT-4
- Kar98k
- Kashmir Mechanism