Nazi Zombies Wiki

The Golden Rod, as seen in Call of the Dead.

The Golden Rod (Vril Generator), when combined with the Focusing Stone, is an incredible energy generator and is required for three Achievements.

When doing the easter egg on Call of the Dead, Richtofen will request the Golden Rod. You can obtain the Golden Rod in Call of the Dead by using the Foghorns in the correct order, which will activate the green beam. Using a V-R11 to use on one Zombie, and leading him into the beam, and killing him. The Golden Rod will then appear in the beam.

When grabbed, the character will likely say something, and the Golden Rod will appear at the bottom of your screen.

After you give the Golden Rod to Richtofen, it is unknown what he does with it. People say that he uses it as a time travel/teleportation device or uses it to power one. After they leave, the crew is sent to Shangri-La.

After the Focusing Stone is grabbed in Shangri-La, Richtofen combines it with the Golden Rod and makes it very much more powerful and better.

In Moon, only if at least one player in the lobby has earned one of the achievements: Time Travel Will Tell, Ensemble Cast, or Stand-in, the player playing as Richtofen will see it at the bottom of his/her screen.

It is used in Moon to power a computer, along with some wires and metal plates, so Richtofen can hack into the network and activate the next part of the achievement, Big Bang Theory.

It is later used again in Moon after it is placed in the Vril Interface on the M.P.D (The pyramid-like structure) allowing Richtofen and Samantha to swap souls, thus completing Richtofen's Grand Scheme.
