- "Don't be afraid of death... Be afraid of ZE DOCTOR!!"
- ―Dr. Edward Richtofen in Kino der Toten.
- "Wait! Don't you know, who I am? I HAVE BEEN WITNESS TO MIRACLES UND CALAMITIES! DIMENSIONS BORN UND COLLAPSED! I WALK A PATH NO OTHER CAN TAKE! NO! (...) I want to be me, THE ONE WHO DID ALL THE HARD WORK! I wanted to keep going... This me... I was the nicest one... And you won't even remember..."
- ―Richtofen to the Primis group before his death in Blood of the Dead.
- "I would like to teach... medicine... maybe pathology."
- ―Primis Richtofen to Nikolai Belinski on what he really wants.
- "I should try to relax, maybe take up a hobby. Maybe i could open my own morgue."
- ―Ultimus Richtofen to Nikolai Belinski on what he really wants.
Doctor Edward Richtofen is a playable character in Call of Duty: World at War and Call of Duty: Black Ops, Black Ops II, Black Ops III and Black Ops IIII was a Group 935 scientist who developed the Wunderwaffe DG-2. Ultimis Richtofen has appeared in Ascension, Kino der Toten, Shangri La, Moon, Shi No Numa, Der Riese, Call of the Dead, Moon, Tranzit, Die Rise, Buried, Classified, Alpha Omega, Tag Der Toten, and in Black Ops and Black Ops III remasters of Nacht der Untoten, and Verrückt. He replaced Samantha Maxis as the demonic announcer in Moon, after completing the Easter Egg, which has continued throughout Black Ops II Zombies until Buried, when Dr. Ludvig Maxis replaces him as the Demonic Announcer if the player completes his side of the main easter egg. Primis Richtofen appears in Origins, Shadows Of Evil, The Giant, Der Eisendrache, Zetsubou No Shima, Gorod Krovi, Revelations, and Blood Of The Dead. Great War Richtofen appears in Revelations, Blood Of The Dead, Classified, Alpha Omega and Tag Der Toten.
It is revealed in Black Ops Cold War that Eddie Richtofen is the Director of Requiem.
"Beware The Doc". A message that was scrawled across walls of every town under Axis control. Starvation may cripple you, dysentery may wreck you, and gunfire may rip the flesh from your bones, but "Beware The Doc".
This is Dr. Richtofen, known affectionately as "The Butcher" to his victims as they scream in agony moments before he snuffs out their light. All through his career, Richtofen has been at the forefront of torture and information extraction research. Richtofen is an incurable sociopath and sees no moral distinction between natural death and murder; the victim is the victim, regardless of how their demise manifests itself.
Doctor Richtofen has a collection of stuffed animals, most of them posed in positions of terror at the instant of their death."
Ultimis Richtofen
He is the creator of the Hellhounds, the Wunderwaffe DG-2, and the culprit behind Dr. Ludwig Maxis' and Samantha Maxis' disappearance. After all of the testing radios are found on Der Riese, the final radio replays the moment when Richtofen locked Dr. Maxis and his daughter, Samantha, in a teleporter with a Hellhound. His final words before the recording stopped were, "Goodbye, Doctor Maxis." Richtofen also has several remarks in Der Riese that reinforce this image. For instance, whenever he finds a teleporter, he will sometimes remark, "Good, it is still here...I mean, uh, ooh, what could this be?" He obviously wants to keep his involvement in the matter a secret from his colleagues.
Treyarch has confirmed that Edward, Dr. Maxis assistant, is indeed Richtofen and that Richtofen is responsible for the disappearance of Samantha and Dr. Maxis.
In the final map pack for the first Black Ops, Rezurrection, on the moon, Samantha's body may be accessed through using a key to activate it. If you blow up the earth, Richtofen switches souls with Samantha and her body is released in a shrine. If playing as Richtofen you can converse with Dr. Maxis via a computer. They talk about how they worked together on the DG-2 and how they were meant to change the human condition.
He once again makes an appearance in Black Ops II, where he is mostly heard as the Demonic Announcer in TranZit, Die Rise and then Buried. In each of the three maps, he speaks to a survivor named Samuel Stuhlinger, who he enlists to help him polarise three towers in order to reinforce his link between the Aether and Earth. If all towers are powered in his favour, Richtofen destroys Maxis' soul and then shares Samuel's body. But if the player chooses to follow Maxis instead, he becomes the Demonic Announcer, replacing Richtofen, and begins the process of destroying the earth in order to reach Agartha to reunite with Samantha. In the meantime, Maxis banishes Richtofen's soul from the Aether and he is to be condemned to eternal damnation as a zombie. This is considered the canonical ending.
In the Call of Duty: Zombies comics, it is revealed that Undead Richtofen ended up being teleported, due to his Primis version of himself. He finds out about the fate of the Earth, and works with the Primis version of himself to fix the fractures in the universe with the Victis crew.
After the events of the comics, Undead Richtofen teleports to Groom Lake, the original Ultimis crew is alive, teleported from the Moon after the destruction of earth. Cornelius Pernell, keeps them, and the rest of Ultimis, after the discovery that the crew has taken in element 115. Richtofen's body is alive, but brain dead. A guard witnessed a zombie enter the Groom Lake facilities, and approach the brain-dead Richtofen, transferring his soul, turning the zombie into a pile of ash. Richtofen returns back into his body, for the first time since Moon.
Both Ultimis and Primis made their way to Camp Edward in Nevada to gain the Elemental Shard. There, they were assisted by the A.I Rushmore as in transferring Cornelius Pernell to Washington who had taken control over the zombies and ADAM Units in the facility and named himself "Avogadro", using the A.P.D. Eddie Richtofen was, along with Samantha, teleported to Camp Edward by Maxis. Samantha gave a speech about the group's plan to destroy Agartha, The Aether and kill Dr Monty.
Primis Richtofen
On June 4th, the site was filled with Great War Knights who had now become the undead. Maxis' brain was removed by Richtofen to prevent him from turning into one of the infected. Dempsey, Nikolai, and Takeo Masaki would arrive to investigate the site, coming across Edward. The four join together and free Samantha. She is then sent to the house with a drone containing Maxis' brain. Monty decided to step in, wiping Ultimis Maxis from existence. Samantha would sent Primis to their next destinations, with Monty instructing Maxis to tell Richtofen to secure the Kronorium, a book, in order to discover the location of the summoning key. Primis Richtofen is then able to contact Ultimis Richtofen in the original Ultimis timeline, who is currently in his undead form after the events of Buried, in which the now non-existent Ultimis Maxis placed him inside a zombie body. They agree to pursue Victis. Around the same time, he also communicates with Stuhlinger for them to follow his plans.
- He likes Hellhounds as he shows remorse when he kills them.
- Richtofen is the most mentally unstable character of the group.
- On the iPhone/iPod version of Nazi Zombies, Richtofen's point color is yellow. On PC/consoles however, it's green.
- Richtofen is the only character who changed his outfit, as seen in Ascension.
- According to a radio from Call of the Dead, he is responsible for Nikolai's alcoholisim.
- Doctor Richtofen is shown to turn into a zombie at the end of the tutorial in the iPod/iPhone World at War Zombies.
- He suffers from schizophrenia.
- He has a sister, because in Ascension, he says that he used to crush her dolls to hear her cry in anguish.
- He has a hatred for Tank, but he likes Nikolai.
- After completing Richtofen's Grand Scheme, Richtofen becomes the Demonic Announcer, which continues into Green Run and beyond, that is until Buried, where he can potentially be replaced if the Easter Eggs where done for Maxis and not Richtofen
- Nacht der Untoten (Black Ops only)
- Verrückt (Black Ops only)
- Shi No Numa
- Der Riese
- Kino der Toten
- Ascension
- Call of the Dead (Voice only)
- Shangri-La
- Moon
- Green Run (Voice only)
- Bus Depot (Voice only)
- Diner (Voice only)
- Farm (Voice only)
- Town (Voice only)
- Die Rise (Voice only)
- Buried (Voice only)
- Origins (Primis and Child version)
- Shadows of Evil (Cutscene only)
- The Giant
- Der Eisendrache
- Zetsubou no Shima
- Gorod Krovi
- Revelations
- Blood of the Dead
- Classified (Ultimus, Primis version appears in cutscene)
- Alpha Omega (Primis and Ultimus)
- Tag der Toten (All versions)
- Mauer der Toten (Eddie)
- Forsaken (Eddie)