Nazi Zombies Wiki
Nazi Zombies Wiki

The Death Machine (also called the Minigun or Fatal Contraption) is a Special Weapon and Power-Up in Call of Duty: Black Ops, Call of Duty: Black Ops Zombies, Call of Duty: Black Ops II, and Call of Duty: Black Ops III, on the maps "Five", Dead Ops Arcade, Ascension, Call of the Dead, Moon, Mob of the Dead, Shadows of Evil, The Giant, Dead Ops Arcade II: Cyber's Avenging, Der Eisendrache, Zetsubou No Shima, Gorod Krovi, and Revelations. The Death Machine Returns in Call of Duty: Black Ops IIII as the Overkill, one of the 4 selectable specialist weapons for custom loadouts in the Aether maps, and also returns in Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War and Call of Duty: Vanguard, as a weapon craftable with salvage at the crafting table, with high damage but limited ammo.


This weapon can be obtained as a Power-Up for 30 seconds (or 10-40 seconds in Dead Ops) in all the maps featured except for Mob of the Dead, where it is bought as a Mystery Box Weapon. It can also be obtained after completing the "Kashmir Mechanism" Easter Egg in Ascension or the "Richtofen's Grand Scheme" Easter Egg in Moon for 90 seconds. The Power-Up is dropped by Zombies, George A. Romero before completing the "Original Characters Trapped" Easter Egg, the Panzer Soldat in the Black Ops III maps, and the Gondola in Der Eisendrache.

The Death Machine has an incredibly high rate of fire and very high damage and penetration. It is very effective against large numbers of zombies, Space Monkeys, the Pentagon Thief, Brutus, Margwas, and Panzer Soldats.

In Mob of the Dead, instead of being a Power-Up, the Death Machine is available in the Mystery Box with 150+300 Starting ammo, slow reload, slow movement, but very high fire rate and damage.

This weapon goes very well with Juggernog to avoid being hit due to slow movement, Speed Cola to mitigate reload issues, Electric Cherry due to the tremendous clip size, the resulting shockwave is very large and finally, Double Tap II to improve it's already massive damage and fire rate.

In Black Ops III, the player can remove the Death Machine to use their other weapons by pressing the switching weapons.

In Black Ops Cold War, the Death Machine returns as a craftable weapon, buildable at crafting tables for 100 high grade salvage. The Death Machine has a similar design to its Black Ops 1 counterpart, comes with 400 bullets and has extremely powerful shots. Pressing Melee with the Death Machine in your hands makes you hit the enemy with the weapon (regardless of melee upgrades or melee weapons in your inventory), doing little damage, making the melee not very useful.

Meat Grinder[]

When Pack A Punched, this weapon becomes the Meat Grinder which has 550+550 Starting ammo, higher movement speed, more damage, and faster reload. This weapon can only be obtained in Mob of the Dead or Dead Ops Arcade II: Cyber's Avenging.


  • When the time is almost up, a low ammo quote will be heard.

