Bonus Points is a power-up that appears in Moon, Dead Ops Arcade, TranZit, Buried and Origins. On Moon, It Appears after the player has thrown a QED. The effect is random; it gives the player who picks it up (or everyone in the game) a random number of points, but zombies can also steal the bonus points. The power-up looks like a Z with two lines going across it, like a $ sign. It's model is based on a regular treasure in Dead Ops Arcade.
Bonus Points also makes it's return into Black Ops II Zombies, in Green Run Group maps TranZit and Buried and in Origins. To Acquire Bonus Points in TranZit and Buried, Any player can activate the share option by using the Galvaknuckles to punch two Keys in a inserted into a drawer inside the Bank, then holding the Action Button to Put Points into a Pot, that only one player may take. The system works by the player putting in 1000 points to give away into the pot with Interest of 100 points to use the service each time 1000 points is added to the pot from any player. The Power up will only last as long as a normal power up (approximately 30 seconds) and then it will disappear if not collected. The pot can be as large as the players desire.
In Origins, the Bonus points returns under the name 'Blood Money', it is Acquired from Dig Spots/Bone Piles and can give the player 50 to 500(?) points.