Nazi Zombies Wiki

Appeared in Call of Duty: Black OpsAppeared in Call of Duty: Black Ops Zombies

The AUG is an Austrian assault rifle that is available in all the maps in Call of Duty: Black Ops Nazi Zombies through the Mystery Box on Xbox 360, PS3, and PC, and can be bought off the wall on the Wii for 1,200 points. It is seen with the Swarovski Scope, similar to the ACOG sight. It's a pretty good weapon to use on mid or high rounds.


Pack-a-Punching the AUG becomes the "AUG-5OM3" and an underbarrel Masterkey will be attached. The Masterkey Shotgun comes with 36 rounds and can kill Hellhounds with one shot up to at least round 25.

The Swarovski Scope comes with yellow lens, but it is hard to notice on most maps due to poor lighting.


  • The AUG's Pack-a-Punched name, "AUG-50M3", it's leet for the word "AWESOME".
  • The Masterkey reloads two shells at a time, like The Raid.
  • The AUG for the Wii is available off the wall for 1,200 points. Ammo wasn't purchasable off the wall originally but it was fixed through a patch.